Useful links about Lithuania

Here is a list of useful links about Lithuania for anyone who is interested in living or studying in Lithuania. Let us know if you have any more useful links in English to share with our readers and don't forget to subscribe for our newsletter.

Work in Lithuania

On this website you can find database of jobs for English speakers, read some success stories about people who moved to Lithuania. And even some information for students, who are looking for paid internships as well as programs for students.

A few months ago we recorded the interview with the Head of Work in Lithuania Egle Adasiunaite on "Why should you work in Lithuania?".

Where we covered these topics:

  • What are the different opportunities to work in Lithuania?

  • What salaries can you expect?

  • Can you go around the country using just English?

You can listen to the full interview by clicking on the link bellow:

About Lithuanian government and e-democracy

This gateway to the Government of the Republic of Lithuania that provides easy access to information on the Cabinet of Ministers, the work of Government institutions and details on using e-democracy services.

On studying in Lithuania

Here is the official website of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Lithuania. It is a perfect place to learn about different forms of education in the country, as well as the Higher Education in Lithuania, where you can choose your study programme. We especially liked their blogpost about "10 reasons to come and study in Lithuania".

On migration to Lithuania

Migration Department under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania is dedicated on solving the questions from Lithuanian nationals and foreigners.

The Refugee Council of Lithuania is a refugee-led organisation active in the fields of education, advocacy, which provides opportunities for refugees to be heard and to participate in decision-making process.

Some other useful links about Lithuania:

Facebook groups for foreigners in Lithuania

Foreigners in Lithuania

Approximately 5 000 group members with post shared every day. Short message from the group admins: "welcome to the Family! Here in this group every resident (local or foreigner) is welcomed to join and be a part of the growing community. After all we are all for one and one for all! Only request is Please do not spam with unwanted things, respect every member and most importantly, you are never alone!"

Foreigners in Vilnius

Private group with more than 17 000 members. Here are some rules : "the posts should be relevant to the life of foreigners in Vilnius. Posting general information about your country, history, religious or political views etc is not relevant, unless it has something to do with the life here (e.g. celebrating some national or religious holiday here and inviting others to join is OK). You can ask questions from the international people in Vilnius and create discussions on general topics though, as long as you stay respectful. The admins keep the right to judge if a post is relevant or not."

Foreigners in Kaunas

Group with 4 000 members. Here is group description: "Welcome all foreigners from Kaunas city. Here we will communicate, ask, share everything what would be useful for foreigners in Kaunas. Please add your friends!"

Let us know if you have any more useful links in English to share with our readers and don't forget to subscribe for our newsletter.

About us

The Lithuanian Dream Podcast is the most popular podcast about Lithuania in English. Every two weeks we share the interviews with the most prominent CEOs and Co-founders as well as politicians and writers. It is a perfect resource for anyone interested in investment environment and culture itself. Thanks to all our team editor Sean Donovan, designer Milda Sukyte and sound editor Gabriele Valodskaite.

Special thanks goes to our partners Lithuanian National Broadcaster LRT and Global Lithuanian Leaders network.

Article is written by Ruta Naujokaitė, who is as well a host at Lithuanian Dream Podcast and the president at LEO in Berlin. Ruta is a Marketing Manager with 7 year’s experience across NGO and digital health sectors. Specialising in digital marketing and passionate about gender equality and bringing Lithuania to the global digital map. She is looking forward to network with people passionate about leadership and marketing in digital health space.