044 - Christmas Special with Ruta and Gabriele

For Christmas 2020 we decided to make an episode. I spoke with our sound editor Gabriele Valodskaite about what it means to be Lithuanian and European.

"Through out my career and studies I've met people from all over the continent. We still share our knowledge, our ideas, our points of view. And for me, it's really important to. Sort of help bring those different points of view together in order to improve the European project, because it's not perfect. It's far from perfect, but I believe it's necessary. - says Gabriele.

Gabriele Valodskaite is our sound editor. After earning her Bachelor degree in European Studies from Maastricht University, she worked for several NGOs and European Council on Foreign Relations. We met back in 2019 in Berlin, in one of the LEO in Berlin networking events and later in LT Big Brother mentorship program.

"Lithuanians should stop being afraid of their own voice. We are a part of Europe, so we have the same rights as Germany or France to say what you think. "- says Gabriele.

Lithuanians have the same rights to cooperate with other countries on various different matters and should use that right. Various university exchange programs, work opportunities... All different opportunities of cultural exchange can make us grow and learn.

"In recent years, on the European level Lithuania took opportunities to show leadership. Lithuanian politicians were one of the first to break the ice talking about Ukraine, and now Belarus."- says Gabriele

Questions addressed in our Interview:

  1. Is there such a thing as European identity? What are the core values?

  2. What are the main challenges the EU is facing? Is it possible to solve it on a collective level?

  3. What is the role of our generation?

  4. Why is it important to include Lithuania in international discourse?

  5. What drives us to work with Lithuanian Dream Podcast?

  6. What is our dreams for Lithuania's future?

Article is written by Ruta Naujokaitė, who is as well a host at Lithuanian Dream Podcast and the president at LEO in Berlin. Ruta is a Marketing Manager with 7 year’s experience across NGO and digital health sectors. Specialising in digital marketing and passionate about gender equality and bringing Lithuania to the global digital map. She is looking forward to network with people passionate about leadership and marketing in digital health space.